Business owners and administrators have full-time jobs conducting the business they are responsible for. Keeping their web content up-to-date or preparing content for a new website launch is one more thing on their already too-full plates.
That’s where I come in—I love digging into seemingly overwhelming amounts of content and creating order from chaos. The web content portion of my portfolio has been steady over the past 10 years, particularly with enterprise-level content strategy and management projects.
Tall Order and Tin Box Digital Content were the content team for the Real District website redesign with Lesia Digital Design. The project involved a substantial reorganization of content for an organization that manages multiple venues and hosts multiple events per year, from concerts to exhibitions to sports leagues.
Tall Order and Tin Box Digital Content provided content for the newly launched Tse’k’wa website.
Tall Order provided content strategy for a web migration of more than 200 pages of content and then oversaw Tin Box Digital content writing the new web pages. BGC London is delighted with their clean and simplified new design – with only 50 pages of content!
Tall Order was woven into the SPG web migration team to meet schedule constraints. Tall Order managed the conversion of more than 100 PDFs containing several tables each to new web pages. Tall Order enlisted Tin Box Digital Content to meet the tight schedule. SPG’s content manager said after the project: “Really appreciate all your work on this – content migration is a beast of its own and having you two to help us out has made everything so much more manageable for our team.”
I love any opportunity to work with Meewasin – they are my dream client, with the important work they do in conservation and education in the river valley I call home. I wrote content for 13 panels throughout the Meewasin Valley. You can see them along the trail in Kinsmen Park, and there will be more installed on the southwest and northend (River Heights) portions of the trail. Additional content was also developed for the Meewasin App as part of this project.
As part of a website redesign led by Zu, Tall Order was the content lead, working with Tin Box Digital Content to provide about 100 pages of content and product pages in an eight week period.
Pearson is the world’s education company. My subcontractors and I worked with Pearson’s Global Corporate Affairs & Marketing Team, providing content strategy and content migration services for their OneDotCom program.
Under contract for up to three years providing content strategy services for and other government web applications. Conducting Writing for the Web workshops, content audits and creating new sitemaps for the content migration from to Providing review and approval of all new web content to be published on
In preparing to launch a new intranet on an updated content management system, PSC engaged me to prepare a content strategy to analyze existing content and organize a new information architecture for the site. The content strategy was delivered in April, 2017.
PotashCorp’s mine sites are in the process of moving to Office 365 and as part of that move they requested a content strategy that could be used across mine sites to migrate files from existing servers to SharePoint. We developed a new intranet layout and content organization that will work for multiple sites.
Web content writing and content migration for Saskatchewan Blue Cross’s new service-focused website. The site launched in October 2017.
Under contract for up to three years providing content strategy services for and other government web applications. Conducting Writing for the Web workshops, content audits and creating new sitemaps for the content migration from to Providing review and approval of all new web content to be published on
Provided content audit, inventory, extensive rewriting of content and supported migration of old to
Provided communications services to support a change management program involving an enterprise-wide (5,000 employees) software upgrade and roll-out. The roll-out took place a dozen sites across multiple time zones and three countries and involved varying levels of internal and back-of-house changes at different locations.
As content strategist for the Government of Saskatchewan’s content migration from to, I encounter change management issues regularly. The Government of Saskatchewan included requirements for change management in their request for services, since different ministries within the government have varying capacities to adapt to new guidelines and business processes that accompany a content migration.
When the City of Saskatoon shifted to a new content management system, Tall Order was brought on to Zu’s web team as the content manager. Throughout 2015, I worked with all the City of Saskatoon departments to create a service-oriented website. The site launched in January 2016.
Content strategy (2014) and content transfer (2015) to a new content management system.
Content manager for the redesign and content transfer to a new content management system. In partnership with Zu.
Content management for the expansion of an existing website to include career guidance for high school students. In partnership with Zu and the Saskatoon Industry Education Council.
Phone: 306.292.6634